Monday, 23 May 2011

Bring Flair to Your Kitchen with a Checkered Tile Flooring

Everyone loves a good fashioned diner — nothing beats a designed root beer float and cheeseburger (more like cheap-burger, amirite). Why not bring the feel of one into your own kitchen with checkered tile flooring. 

You can stick to tradition and use a black and white, or mix it up and replace the black with fun color or pattern. Try various variety of tile design. Or if you want to keep with black and white but add a little flair, use the vinyl Midnight, a black tile with light grey flecks. Top it off with some vinyl bar stools and a booth with a mini-jukebox in one corner, and you’ll feel as though you’ve stepped into a time warp. Just make sure to stock up on plenty of ice cream and root beer. can help you with any questions about Limestone QuarryTiles Prices, as well as give you a quote on what a large project like tiling your whole kitchen will cost.